
Freelance Lighting/Sound/Video Designer, Videographer

2011 - Present

Lighting, sound, and video designer/programmer and systems data technician/electrician for large-scale live events, festivals, live music, installations, and theatrical performances. Videographer and editor for corporate and documentary content.

Freelance Disaster Response Logistician/Technical Specialist

multiple NGOs
2019 - Present

Domestic and internationally deploying disaster response specialist working with logistics, planning, and field technology.

Software Engineer/Consultant (Mobile/Android)

Intrepid Pursuits
2018 - 2019

Consulting Android engineer working alongside client and internal iOS, Web, design, and product teams to implement client projects. Developed and updated internal CI/CD pipelines. Explored new technology implementations internally for use of graphQL in client projects.

Developed and presented training materials for both internal and client participants to train apprentice and junior engineers on Android framework fundamentals.


  • Android
  • Kotlin
  • Java
  • CI/CD
  • Git
  • App Deployment
  • GraphQL

Skill Assesment Writer/Reviewer


Developed skill assesment material for mobile Firebase tracks. Reviewed content by other authors for accuracy and instructional quality.


  • Firebase
  • Android

Conference Organizer

droidcon Boston & Boston Android
2017 - 2019

Organizer leading operations and social media for droidcon Boston, Swiftfest Boston, and various Boston Android meetups and events.

Speaking & Articles


What is the .idea/ directory? Why do the files in it keep changing? How can you stop them from appearing in every git commit? Many developers add the whole .idea/ directory to their .gitignore and forget about it but this hidden directory has lots of potential to keep your team working efficiently and consistently.

Mobile First has become the mantra of web and mobile development. Where does this leave desktop users?

Skills & Tools


  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Hotwire/Turbo
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • GraphQL
  • Bootstrap
  • ERB
  • Slim


  • Android
  • Kotlin
  • Java
  • SQLite
  • Dart/Flutter
  • Bluetooth/BLE
  • Device Testing


  • Git
  • CI/CD
  • Unix/Linux
  • Shell Scripting
  • TDD
  • Test Automation


  • Android Development Nanodegree
  • Bachelor of Arts
    Thesis project: Technology Development for Live Entertainment
    Hampshire College
    2011 - 2015